Student Username Changes
Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, all student Active Directory (AD) and Infinite Campus usernames will be changed to match the student’s Google login. The change will occur on August 1-7, 2020. This will have the following effects:
- The Active Directory account username will change from Student Number (i.e., 1234567) to the Google login (i.e., Mary.98765).
- This will also change the student Infinite Campus Portal, Canvas, Clever, and Apex usernames to their Google Login.
- Password changes for Active Directory, including from or District computers, will automatically update the password on all systems using this username.
- Password changes in Google will not update AD. If a student changes their Google password, the change only applies to Google. All other applications requiring Active Directory credentials will require the Active Directory password.
- These changes will only impact student accounts.
- If you need to locate the Google Login and Username please see this article: What is my G Suite Google Username?
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